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How Spiritual Coaching Can Change Your Life!


Spiritual coaching is for anyone wanting to change their life for the better and achieve a happy balance of mind, body and spirit. But don't worry, there is no requirement to meditate every day, eat like a sparrow and there is no religion involved! In this article, i will explain what happens in a spiritual coaching session with me and how it can benefit you.

Talk It Out!

As an open minded person who has helped many different kinds of people overcome their problems, i will invite you to talk about whatever you want to talk about in your session. When people come to me for a coaching session, they are often in a muddle, and have one or more problems they need to overcome. These problems often cross different areas of their lives, such as home, work, relationships, money and more. Sometimes the problems feel so big that they don't know what to do. But to solve your problems, you have to start somewhere, and with spiritual coaching, you will be amazed at how quickly you can solve your problems one by one and move forwards joyfully and with confidence.

It can feel extremely liberating to simply let it all out and talk to someone who knows how to listen. I am not here to judge, to comment or make immediate useful suggestions as to what I think you need to do. Let's face it, chances are you have probebly spoken to a friend or family member about one or more of your issues. While you may have had a sympathetic ear, in most cases, what people make to you as suggestions, are not what you want to hear, nor do they give you the clear answers you need. Often, because their answers did not originate within yourself, they will not resonate with you completely and you will still feel doubt.

Working Out The Issues

By asking you the right questions, we will find the right place for you to start to begin solving your issues. I will guide you to choose the most important issue for you at the moment, even if when you entered the session, you are not sure which one of your issues that is.

We will then immediately set to work on solving that first issue. You will see that due to my straightforward spiritual coaching techniques, you will be able to find the right answers that lead you to finding a solution. A solution that is right for you. A solution that will make you happy and bring you success for the long term.

Answers From Your Soul

Within your subconscious, in the very essence of your soul, you have all the answers you need. It is simply that when we are burdened with issues, our minds work overtime, our bodies often follow and create stress factors to protect ourselves, and it becomes hard to access the information we need. That can play havoc with our emotions, which in turn leads us to think of all the possibilities and knock on effects of our potential decisions.

With my careful guidance, I will show you the path to accessing the information you need and which you hold within your very esssence. You will be able to find the right answers to your situation with clarity and a feeling of inner peace.

But What If My Problems Are Caused By Someone Else?

It doesnt matter to me that other people may be involved in your life and you feel they are resonsible for creating issues. There is always a solution (or more then one solution) to a problem. You have choices and by changing the way you react and implementing new ideas, you can change any situation. I will guide you towards finding your best way forwards,

Often, the very fact that you are looking at addressing your issue will change the external and internal energy of it, and, as if by a strange kind of magic, the universe will work with you to bring a solution about.

What's the Difference between Normal Coaching and Spiritual Coaching?

To me, spiritual coaching is more than "normal" coaching, because it considers only what is best for you and the complete balance of your mind, body and spirit in tandem with each other. This does not mean any particular focus on your physical health, unless you wish this to be the case. "Normal" caoching tends to focus only on your mental health, and does not consider what you need in your heart and soul, or what is necessarily the right decision for you on your life path or soul plan. Spiritual coaching is very much designed to help you at your very essence and to feel happy and comfortable within the universe once again.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

That will be entirely up to you. Usually, 1 or 2 issues can be examined in an hour long session wth me, once the issues have been clearly identified. You are welcome to book just a single session. If you have multiple or incredibly complex issues, I invite you to join me for a free 30 minute consultation, to discuss these and make a plan. I also offer the possibility of having a mixture of reiki healing and spiritual coaching sessions as you feel fits your needs.

Come and stand on the solid path with me, where you can resolve your issues and feel positive, uplifted and in control of your life. Feel the inner peace and resonance with yourself and the universe that you are designed to feel. Move forwards with sure steps and solutions that you can implement to improve your life today.

A happy woman with a coffee cup looking at a computer screen fat
Spiritual Coaching online can help you sort out your issues and feel whole and powerful again in minutes

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